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  • Cell Culture Technology

    © AG Zellkulturtechnik

Cell Culture Technology

In recent years the significance of mammalian cells in biotechnology and in medicine has increased considerably. Nearly 80% of all new biopharmaceuticals approved from 2015-18 are produced using mammalian cell expression systems and annual sales exceed 100 billion USD. New approaches ranging from vaccine production and gene therapy to tissue engineering and stem cell biology contribute to this increasing significance due to their social, medical and economic implications.

A sustaining development in cell culture technology requires an integration of functional genomic analysis and bioinformatics with the currently domineering disciplines of cell biology, molecular biology and biochemical engineering. This linkage is of decisive significance to foster the development from a predominantly experimentally empiric and descriptive discipline to a model and theory-based science.

In this context our research group is working on rational bioprocess development for the production of biopharmaceuticals with mammalian cells and on the development, optimization and application of functional genomics techniques for cell culture technology.

Since many years our group is active member of Bielefeld Center for Biotechnology (CeBiTec). From 2010–2015 Thomas Noll has served as CeBiTec’s scientific director.

On the following pages you find more information about our research, our teaching activities, publications, the team, the history of cell culture technology in Bielefeld and some useful links.

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